Create memories that last a lifetime as your guests immerse themselves in the thrilling world of Mystereee. The Mystereee game works like this:
1) The event host informs me how many guests will be participating in the game and which Mystereee plot from the list they would like. Optional story customization can include place, time period, character names, and any other info or ideas you’d like.
2) The game can be a surprise for guests or the host can inform them of the time period of the story to encourage coming in costume. They can also be more specific to what character they (or their team) will be.
3) The fun begins at the event with a host introduction to the game. Each character (or team) gets a folder with info about the crime and how to play.
4) Throughout the game, guests (characters) are given clues which they exchange while asking questions as a Detective. There are short scenes from key parts of the story to act out for fun too.
5) When you start to figure things out, you make guesses or Accusations for Who, How, and Why. If you are correct, you can Arrest the guilty, or try to Escape if it is you who is the criminal! Do either one before the other players and you win the game!
A Mystereee has 5 to 8 characters which can be individual players in a small party or teams in an event with up to a few hundred people. Hosted Mystery events include a sound system with mic, music, and big-screen video projection.
You Can Be a Mystereee Host
I can host the Mystery for you or you can have the fun of hosting it yourself with a Mystereee Kit that includes all the game elements, and phone and email support to help if you need it.
Combine a Mystery with other entertainment as well including DJ, Karaoke, Scavenger Hunts, and games of all kinds and any other fun you can find on this site. Add to the atmosphere with colorful lighting and even fog! Oooo, scary!
Contact Eric Everett today to get more info about a Mystereee game for you!